A few gems of wisdom from my SOLD OUT 30 Amazing Women-Seattle Event this past Monday.
Guiding principles for Turning Points:
1. Each life has a destiny & purpose that is unfolding and there are often deeper clues to that purpose at turning points.
2. We can sense the turning point coming and at these moments we are called to let go vs. hang on.
3. It’s not easy to let go. There are pitfalls and there is fire. There are places where fear or unexpected events can cause us to waiver or wobble. This is part of the process and easy to misinterpret. If we choose to hold on when we are called to let go, we just keep “circling Dallas”. Forward progress is indeed slow.
4. There is a flow that is wanting to happen if we listen. The flow helps us wisely discern what to hold on to and what to let go of and WHEN.
Dear Jeaneen:
Love your gems of wisdom from your 30 Amazing Women Event!! Wanted to share a few thoughts from a recent similar event here in Toronto. See what you think….
1. Great quotes…..
“Let deeds, not words be our adorning”
“Strive that our actions day by day, may be beautiful prayers”
“We’re not human doings, we’re human beings”…..
“Grace = to be unmoved by praise or hurt by blame”
“If you want to get to the castle, you’ve got to go thru the moat”….Eat, Pray, Love
“Give yourself a chance to be helpless, to become needy, to listen to your heart and know your authentic self”
2. Great books
Return to Love, by Marianne Williamson
Broken Open by Elizabeth Lesser
3. Great learns
“Don’t let contentment become complacency, or you may stop moving forward”
“You come into this world alone, and you will leave alone…..are you happy by yourself….?”
Meditation as a means to acceptance and grace…..some suggested once or twice daily, a dedicated, valued place in your home…..
Contentment = accepting God’s place for me in this world
Contentment attracts contentment, so work hard to get and stay there
Dear Lora,
Thank you. These are FAB. I love the phrases on Contentment. I’ve been exporing how courage and contentment are linked. Take good care and much love,