Advancing with Boldness and Courage

Time to Prune?

How alluring is the temptation in our lives and business, to shift things in a slow, deliberate, careful way?

Here’s what inspired me to ask  this question:   There is a EPA Superfund site on the Island where I live, that has been cleaning up creosote that was left behind by a wood treatment facility since 1988. They still have 1,000,000 gallons of contaminants remaining in the earth and right now their cleanup strategy pumps out 60 gallons a month. I did a quick calculation and it’s going to take 1,388 YEARS to complete this project!

The complexity of this project and the seriousness of the risk probably merit the current approach and these stats got me pondering.  Are we going at our internal and business clean up in a way that doesn’t rock the status quo or make too much of a mess and well, could take FOREVER?

Truth is, sometimes a BOLD shift in approach and some heavy duty pruning back is ESSENTIAL to achieve goals in a timely manner. The “careful way” might just make it IMPOSSIBLE to get where we want to go. Yes I know, bold shifts can be excruciatingly uncomfortable. While it might be against our nature (down right terrifying) to boldly rock the boat, sweeping changes are often essential if we are committed to leading in a way that gives us a chance at achieving our highest destiny. To use a fruit tree metaphor, life energy cannot flow through dead branches.

My challenge today is to get curious. Where are you stuck in a pattern that needs to shift? What fears are holding you back? Get very clear and evaluate honestly what is true. Now is the time to boldly prune back what is no longer serving, for the sake of the FRESH growth ahead.

This is the last call for my private beginning of the year sessions. “An Opening to 2011” Reflection & Intention Sessions. This annual program is proven and powerful.  You will create vivid insight and a fresh beginning, with me right next to you to champion your pruning process.

Registration closes Jan 31 so now is the time.

Retreat to Advance with Honor, Ease and Bliss

Mountain Rainbow

My theme for 2011 is… the year of Honor, Ease and Bliss. I’m writing from Sun Mountain Lodge.  So far so good! Here’s where I’m going with these 3 attributes for 2011:

Honor: Honoring my Self as in honoring the great Divine energy that dwells within me, others and everything. This means treating my physical self, as the container of this Divine light, worthy of respect and love. Am I leading in a way that honors the people, places and things that surround me? Am I honoring them? Are we honoring each other? It’s a great word, honor.

Ease: Approaching everything with ease. Being a student of ease in the midst of activity. Breathing easy. Yes, even in business, EASE is the watchword.

Bliss: Great joy, perfect happiness. A state of spiritual blessedness. Bliss as in “follow your bliss” or “Blissed out.” I have a hunch that bliss will have me show up as a turned on leader who draws from a wellspring of vibrant energy and enthusiasm. Bliss as in genuinely existing, for the most part, in a heart flowing with love

So, these are my 3 words. It’s only been 2 weeks and I stand amazed. Just last night, after a perfect day of skiing, I watched the moon rise over the mountains while lying in bed by a roaring fire, looking out over a snow covered valley…in an exquisitely beautiful lodge room wrapped in a soft cashmere shawl…eating chocolate. (That’s the truth, I swear.) Although the quest has been challenging at times and it’s already required great discipline…it is reaping splendid rewards.

What are your 3 attributes of 2011? Don’t miss out on the synchronicity and growth that leading from this clarity will bring.

Click here to register for: “An Opening to 2011” Reflection & Intention Sessions and Download the FREE “An Opening to 2011” Worksheet. Registration closes Jan 31 so now is the time.

Advancing into a FRESH New Year!


First Sunrise of 2011

Happy 2011!

“Every new beginning is beautiful, filled with extraordinary opportunities, like a door opening on a whole new life.  In beginnings there is childlike innocence, and this innocence is filled with humility, filled with patience.

A beginning is forever full of magic, enchantment and treasures to be explored.  No matter what the occasion, a new beginning must be approached with a mystical awareness of its potential.”

-From Swami Chidvilasananda, Jan 1, Resonate With Stillness

Please join me in creating “An Opening to 2011” that will honor your unique potential.   May you walk through 2011 leading from the deep wisdom that flows from complete alignment with your beautiful destiny.

Click here to register for: “An Opening to 2011” Reflection & Intention Sessions and  Download the  FREE “An Opening to 2011” Worksheet. Limited availability for a few short weeks so now is the time.