Advancing by Just Showing Up

Sunflowers Showing Up

Last night I was walking to an event after an afternoon of creating strategy and evaluating various choices and actions steps.  A voice inside whispered, “OK, time to stop planning, How about you simply show up?” Immediately I relaxed completely into an easy smile and effortless confidence.  No matter how wise the plan, success ultimately depends on how we show up to what is actually happening.

Let’s practice the exquisite discipline of just “showing up.” Show up fully.  Show up knowing that the task before you is yours to offer, now.  Show up completely present to whoever you are with, completely present to yourself.  Show up knowing you are in the right place, at the right time with the right people.  Simply be present here, now, trusting yourself.

Here’s a 2 minute audio of me reading a stunning poem on this topic, written by Minx Boren  (I know, I want to be named Minx, too.)   Listen, Enjoy and be inspired.

Advancing with Discipline and Freedom

Swan Meditating at Bloedel Reserve

My most successful clients have great discipline.  While I have a strong ability to focus, when it comes to discipline,  I tend to get all harsh and controlling with myself.  My old pattern is to approach the discipline of maintaining a schedule, planning and maintaining the systems that support me with a heavy intensity.

Although I get things accomplished this way, it’s often a recipe for dragging me into the dust.  Can discipline have a feeling of flowing freedom and spontaneous joy?

When I get right down to the root of how this can be possible, it has to start with disciplining my mind.  Having my mind serve me, here in the present, as opposed to compulsively painting one picture after another of my past present and future, my character, the world I live in, my relationships.  You know, the endless list.

Here’s what I think is the linchpin of Advancing with Discipline & Freedom.  Focus first on disciplining the mind through Retreating into a daily meditation practice.  I’m pretty sure the ULTIMATE freedom is stilling the mind so it can rest in the Heart, the source of deep wisdom, spontaneity, love and creativity. (OK… ALL the good stuff.)

Once the mind rests into a Heart centered focus and presence, all the scheduling, planning and systems will flow powerfully with great ease.  That my friend is a path to success that I can sign up for!

Retreat to Transform

Photo Courtesy of Mai Vu


A friend was speaking to me about the difference between Transformational and Incremental Change last night.
Incremental Change is the step by step achievement of a goal.  Transformational Change is the inner transformation in our mind, body, spirit and heart that fashions us into one who can naturally and easily fulfill our goals and purpose.  When I heard this distinction, I realized that I am an agent of Transformational Change, utterly devoted to the mastery of this process within myself and others. 

While Transformational Change is facilitated mightily by private coaching, retreat and reflection are also essential elements.  I have learned that Transformational Change is readily available in the grace drenched splendor of nature, in beautiful physical surroundings away from the day to day, in sacred silent circles of individuals who are asking similar questions. 

Oh, and it really does help to have: 

  • fresh, delicious nourishing food ready and waiting,
  • yoga that will get you present to your body’s wisdom,
  • a bit of irrepressible laughter and
  • a soft pillow to lay your head on at the end of the day.

Hint, Hint…time to retreat my friend!  Will you book some retreat time on your calendar today?  Oh, all right, you can still register for the Sept 25 Retreat to Advance day here.  Registration closes on Sept 11. 

Advancing with Rock Solid Wisdom

Bainbridge Island Rocks!

What is something in you that you have that no one can take away? It might be a strength, a virtue or a quality that is the essence of who you are when you are at your best.  What’s that brilliant piece of you that you can always count on no matter what?  For me, it’s courage, focus and quirky joy, all at the same time. What’s yours? 

When we find ourselves exuding these qualities, it’s like we are standing on our ROCK.  Our ROCK is the place where we can rest assured we are making choices based on true wisdom vs. the saboteur advice of our limiting beliefs.

The key to success is standing on our ROCK guided by the voice of our Heart, (our wisest Self) vs. the chatter of the mind and it’s “loyal soldier” thought patterns that are so adept at trying to protect us from some old threat that no longer exists.

Are you experiencing the power of your greatness, standing on your unique ROCK?  This week, simply notice when you are and when you not.  When you find yourself swept off, keep steering yourself back to your ROCK, again and again.

P.S.  Want to discern your ROCK, hear it’s wisdom and lead from there?  Join us for the upcoming Retreat To Advance Day-Deep Wisdom Retreat on Sept 25 Early Bird registration closes Sept 2.