Advancing by Belonging to Your Vision Right Now

Jeaneen overlooking the distant land of Toronto

Ann Betz, a friend and colleague on the faculty of the Coaches Training Institute, wrote this poem that beautifully describes the experience I aspire to create for my private Executive Coaching clients.


There is a door I want to pass through
and you’ve offered
to hold it open for me so I can stand
and look at a distant land.

It’s bright there and fun and terrifying
and as you gaze at me with steady eyes
you never stop saying
“I see you here”

And this statement of belonging
which you speak so matter-of-factly
buoys me, calms my heart
and carries me over
the threshold to where I want to be

~ann betz

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Advancing Powerfully with Whole Hearted Vulnerability

I love this talk by Brene Brown.  Whole hearted people live from a deep sense of worthiness.  We have courage, compassion and thrive on authentic connection.  We believe that our vulnerabilty indeed makes us beautiful and yes, powerful beyond measure..  Spend 20 minutes listening to her and I guarantee you will be deeply transformed.   Thank you Brene!

Brene Brown: The power of vulnerability