Relax into the video below which asks some powerful questions….
- What happens when you get to where you believe you should be?
- How do you recognize opportunities and step forward into creating a “what’s next’ from that opportunity?
- Might everything start with the relationship between you and a somebody or something?
- Might you have the opportunity to recognize this and to create your own story?
- What story is out there waiting to be told?
- Are you courageous enough to live with the not knowing?
- How naked are you prepared to be?
Registration is still open (and there is a space left for you) for my annual mid year private “Renew, Re-focus and Re-engage” sessions. (FYI, The photo of me above was taken just before one of these uniquely customized sessions.) Together we will recognize the opportunities that are there for you to co-create into right now.