Farewell to Home by the Sea: Spring 2008 Whidbey Island Retreats

www.jrscoaching.comwww.jrscoaching.com   Thank you to all who attended and contributed your mighty talents to the spring retreats.   Together, we launched sparkling new projects.  We smiled in recognition as we recounted our leadership stories of victory, defeat and yes, surrender.  We created new visions while we sipped fine wine and savored dark chocolate.  We cried, sighed, grieved, laughed and celebrated, A LOT.  We drank muscular coffee and walked, piecing together what was trying to unfold.  We embraced the chaos of change and courageously planned the next steps.  We watched Tucker, the wonder dog, romp down the beach on moonlit nights breathing deeply the salty sea air. We did yoga together in the living room on sun drenched mornings after deep silent meditation. We watched the golden sun set as the eagles soared.  As the tides ebbed and flowed, we found our Truth over and over again.  When all was said and done, we did indeed shout YES… and then we crawled back into our soft feather beds and slept very, very well.


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