Willingness trumps Willfulness


It turns out that wondering “Will I do this?” is a more effective approach to achieving a goal then exerting the determined linear will of the ego as in “I will do this!!!” (The later usually accompanied by a tight jaw, clenched fist and a great deal of effort to avoid feeling guilty or ashamed if I do not do it. Get the picture?)

If we have questioning, curious minds we are more intrinsically motivated to change, shift and let go of what is no longer serving. So my friends, the quality and regularity of our internal questions reigns supreme over our willfulness when it comes to this whole business of achieving. Fascinating huh????

Dare I say, this so explains my ongoing awe of the effectiveness of private coaching! The sheer value of a relationship that is designed to ask (and keep asking) powerful questions that shift our inner self talk away from the pure will where, we so easily get mired, alone in our own heads.

For more, see this recent article in the Scientific American.

Inspirational Credits: Article brought to my attention by my wickedly brilliant, hilarious colleague, Jeff Jacobson.

Advancing as a Frog or Turtle?

Frog or Turtle?

I received this image on a newsletter from the smart savvy team at the Clarion Group.  It’s quite provocative and inspiring on so many levels.   Of course, I want to be the frog!!!  I often get to be the frog leaping over the community of turtles.  The truth is,  I am a turtle too.  In fact, I would venture to declare that it is my turtle time when I am deep inside, protected and connected to the muddy earth that has the frog in me be able to fly so freely.  Unfortunately, life sometimes has a way of forcing me into my shell.   Not always comfortable.  Always beneficial.  

Many of us have aspired only to be frogs and been rewarded quite handsomely for our frog like natures.   Trouble is without the turtle influence it’s easy to end up burned out or overwhelmed.  How about we extol both the frog, the turtle and the transition between?      

Advancing with Strength & Presence

Jeaneen Schmidt Chicks on Sticks 2009
Jeaneen Schmidt Chicks on Sticks 2009

We complete February 2009 celebrating the physical strength and presence it took for me to compete in my first Nordic Ski race.  We’re also celebrating the strength and presence exhibited by each of you who completed my annual beginning of the year Reflection and Intention process, An Opening to 2009!  You each took a courageous inventory of your current results and asked:  What are my thoughts and actions creating?  What is actually happening?  What gains and breakthroughs am I celebrating? What have I learned?  What do I choose to let go of? What do I want that is different from this?  I honor the 2009 client slogans below which are already building great waves of momentum!    May these slogans inspire all of us to continually refine our responses to these powerful questions:  What am I intending to create in 2009?   What are the strengths and qualities of presence I will bring to each and every moment of this year?


  • Fire in the Belly Qualities: Love, Forgiveness & Understanding.
  • Health, Wealth & Bliss
  • Really, truly, deeply, Moving Forward  Qualities: Creativity, Communication & Gratitude
  • Sails full of Grace  Qualities:  Birth, Integrity & Clarity
  • Being Present & Being me–Surrender to my life as it is now
  • Breaking Through & Creating a Foundation
  • POWER!
  • BEING-Stepping into a Bigger ME Qualities: Strength, Adventure & Light
  • Counting it all JOY  Qualities: Trust, Perfect Timing, & Patience
  • Family & Career Growth
  • Stepping OUT!!!
  • The Next Level  Qualities: Joy, Love, Peace, Prosperity, Health & Service

Retreat to Advance stamp 

Advancing into 2009

My morning commute from the house to the studio today
My morning commute from the house to the studio today
The first 2009 New Year’s slogan was born today.  It was delivered by an exuberant friend from her mobile as she drove over a snowy mountain pass.  She declared, with quite a bit of enthusiasm:  “I’m going to be Fit and Fine in 2009″  What’s your name for 2009?  What theme will inspire your entire year?  If you are intent on designing an amazing New Year…see An Opening to 2009 for my annual beginning of the year private coaching offer.  Ok..off to play in the snow.  Let me know your New Year’s slogan here.  We’ll build a list, bless each one twice and together we’ll unfold a most precious 2009.   We are going to be so-o-o-o-o fine in 2009 🙂

Advancing into the STOP sign


Alas, our aquisition of the Inn and Refuge in the mountains of Washington State is NOT happening.  Today was our last day to cancel our purchase and sale agreement.  That is what we chose to do.  It was the right thing to do.  I am breathing deeply.  There is much written about the inspiring victories; the times when the dream comes together, the fortune is made or the summit is achieved.

There is far less to fall into at these moments when we humans move forward with firm faith and conviction with every ounce of strength we can muster…to fall short.  The moment of loss, the moment of ending is fiercely potent. I know that every successful life has many, many times like these.  They are mysterious when we view them up close.  These Grace filled abrupt turns away from the direction we had expected to be moving are indeed confusing to the mind.  Only after years have progressed may we look back to see their intricate perfection.

I know that my compassion and humble surrender has increased exponentially.  I feel the quietness of looking ahead and seeing the empty space that has not yet taken shape into something new.  My gratitude has swelled for all the expert friends who were willing to listen, to nod and question time and again as I continue to expand and refine what I am here to offer.  There will be a day of joyous celebration and it is not this day.  The time has not yet come for us to say grace and toast each other at the New Year’s dinner overlooking the snow covered mountains. 

After Thanksgiving, we are taking a few days to go away to reflect, rejuvenate and assimilate all that has happened.  Retreat to Advance.  As I search for a place to do this, I realize how precious beautiful retreat sites are and how few of them fit my current purpose.  I guess the dream lives on.