Retreating Inward to the Bliss of the Heart

Step 1– Digging out the roots of suffering: We’ve all got a few limiting root beliefs that arose from wounds we may have long ago forgotten.  These pesky “bliss thieves” keep affecting repeating scenarios over and over in our lives.  Unfortunately, we can’t easily discover our own root wounds and without the catalyst of suffering we don’t often even try.  It’s like operating on our own head. Not so easy.

When with the help of an insightful executive coach or teacher, we identify one of our root wounds and its resulting limiting belief, it’s stunning to look back and see the circular pattern of behavior that repeatedly yielded results that strengthened the belief.  We can see how this pattern unfolded over and over causing progressively more intense suffering and shaping our lives with predictable precision.  Once identified and healed we shift toward creating fresh new beliefs that have us literally, rewriting our script.  So, first agenda item:  Identify and shift limiting root beliefs that are causing repeated suffering.    Time well spent?   Absolutely.

Step 2–The journey inward: Get established in BLISS!  From where does bliss arise?  For me it emerges from the joyous ease that arises when I’m at my best.   Bliss springs easily from a state of contentment.  It flows from knowing that I am safe and protected.  Bliss arises from knowing that I have the courage to face whatever challenges are before me and that I am equal to these challenges.   We attain mastery as we move beyond occasional, accidental visits to the land of BLISS and really plant our flag in this treasured territory.

In the yogic philosophy of Vedanta, bliss is the 5th Kosha or sheath at the heart of our being.  To arrive at bliss, we move progressively inward through the onion-like skins of our physical body, breath, mind, intellect and then at the very heart of who we are…we arrive at bliss.

May we each find our way inward and become established in the bliss at the Heart of our being.

May we become fearless in the center of this joy and happy not only in happiness but in difficulties as well.

This Valentine’s Day, I wish you the bliss of the Heart.


Flickr photo courtesy of qthomasbower under the Creative Commons License

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