Today I am retreating by focusing on the still space in between vs. where I usually focus…the intense pursuit of shapes, thoughts, actions and words. I yearn to access the Heart that resides in this quiet space and it’s all a big HUGE mystery. I know that all the good stuff lies in between. All the peace is in the pause. All the joy, compassion, wisdom and creativity arises in the transition zone. I want to integrate this remembrance throughout my day AND it’s a bit elusive. If there are no thoughts in the pause, how do I recognize I’m in it?
In my leadership, I’m learning that if I focus on attending to the space, (the feeling or energy that surrounds us) the particles (actions) flow more easily. In my speech, if I pause, breathe and wait…the words I speak arise from a deeper place. The thoughts and emotions will always be there. I’m not trying to eliminate them to get to the space. I’m just lightly, secretly shifting my attention to the pause in between.
Here’s to slowing it all down and entering into the power of the pause! Here’s to remembering to celebrate the completion points! Here’s to taking the time we need to acknowledge, honor and grieve our losses. Perhaps this is why daily meditation is so essential. It gets us good at entering the pause. What’s your tip? Is this one of those secret mysteries we’re not supposed to be talking about?