Advancing Courageously with Vulnerable Authenticity

Jeaneen recognizing a new chord

Relax into the video below which asks some powerful questions….

  • What happens when you get to where you believe you should be?
  • How do you recognize opportunities and step forward into creating a “what’s next’ from that opportunity?
  • Might everything start with the relationship between you and a somebody or something?
  • Might you have the opportunity to recognize this and to create your own story?
  • What story is out there waiting to be told?
  • Are you courageous enough to live with the not knowing?
  • How naked are you prepared to be?

Registration is still open (and there is a space left for you) for my annual mid year private “Renew, Re-focus and Re-engage” sessions.  (FYI, The photo of me above was taken just before one of these uniquely customized sessions.) Together we will recognize the opportunities that are there for you to co-create into right now.

Advancing Daily with 3 Bold Inspired Steps

Drawing my Dreams into Reality

Last November I had the great good fortune of attending TEDxRainier here in Seattle.  I’ve just launched a very cool 30 day project inspired by Patti Dobrowolski’s talk.  First, I created the drawing you see above that depicts my current reality and my desired new reality.  Next, I committed to 30 days of 3 bold steps per day creatively inspired by both the left and right side of my brain. (The drawings are what make this possible.)  I’m in my second week and all I can say is WOW!!!  Below is a video of the talk that started it all AND links to FREE blank printable template maps. Check it out only if you are really, no kidding, in the mood to dream up a Desired New Reality!  Thank You Patti!


If this talk has you yearning for change, I’m here.   I have room for 2 new private coaching clients in April.  Are you ready?  If yes, contact me to schedule a Complimentary Coaching Consultation.

Advancing into a Bold YES!


I just now committed to a bold Yes.  One of those Yes’s that all your friends say in their best London English, Why of Course!  You must do this!  For me it’s been 3 days of feeling the intensity of the fear of making the WRONG decision.  I’ve spent hours contemplating all the possible choices and calculating all the possible impacts.  I’ve reviewed my values, my purpose and the vision of my business. I’ve looked carefully at the risks and possible rewards of this innovative YES.   Vividly, underneath all this valuable analysis, I’ve been experiencing intense fear.  Primal fear of the change that this bold Yes will bring to the status quo of my life and business.    I deeply resist the chaos that this change will usher in before I get to truly inhabit the next more resonant land that I have been envisioning all along.  

Isn’t this how it goes?  The call comes and we know we have to answer YES…and yet there is always “Trouble at the Border”.   I’ve noticed this theme of “hesitation before the leap” in many of my client conversations this week.  Does it come from the business culture that wanted us to be innovative YET taught us be cautious as mistakes can indeed jeopardize our careers?  Does our success get in the way of our growth as there is so much more at risk with each yes?  Do we unconciously know that there is so much more to lose if we are wrong????  Yet all of us, deep down yearn to say yes and silently regret those times when we back away.

Whatever we posess, we fear we might lose it if we step forward.  Whenever we are thinking about me or mine, we are in the realm of the wounded ego.  The ego which is desperately trying to control things, to keep us safe and protected and WAY smaller than what we are capable of being.  In order to step forward into leading our lives and those we serve, we must get comfortable with the terrifying AND exhilarating process of moving through the fear and uncertainty that the ego throws up, toward what is truly calling.

When it comes to saying yes to our personal destiny, I love this line from the new movie, The Moses Code.  “God doesn’t call the qualified, he qualifies the called.”  However you hold the presence of the divine, remember that this presence within us, is always calling us to expand into our greatest potential.  It is calling us to change, create and innovate BOLDLY.  When we say yes, it’s vital to remember that we are not yet the person or organization that will fulfill the call.  We grow into it.  Ahh, this is where the surrender and leap of faith must take place.  This is why coaching support is essential.  Left to our own devices it’s way too easy to stay small and protected.  Then of course, the outcome, although we are protected, is often; poor, lonely and sad.  The outcome of the YES…Exhilaration, change, abundance and growth. 

Therefore, we retreat into the silence.  We retreat into supportive coaching conversations.  We discern the strong voice of the call to which, despite our full body fears…we must in the end answer boldly…YES!