We complete February 2009 celebrating the physical strength and presence it took for me to compete in my first Nordic Ski race. We’re also celebrating the strength and presence exhibited by each of you who completed my annual beginning of the year Reflection and Intention process, An Opening to 2009! You each took a courageous inventory of your current results and asked: What are my thoughts and actions creating? What is actually happening? What gains and breakthroughs am I celebrating? What have I learned? What do I choose to let go of? What do I want that is different from this? I honor the 2009 client slogans below which are already building great waves of momentum! May these slogans inspire all of us to continually refine our responses to these powerful questions: What am I intending to create in 2009? What are the strengths and qualities of presence I will bring to each and every moment of this year?
Fire in the Belly Qualities: Love, Forgiveness & Understanding.
Health, Wealth & Bliss
Really, truly, deeply, Moving Forward Qualities: Creativity, Communication & Gratitude
Sails full of Grace Qualities: Birth, Integrity & Clarity
Being Present & Being me–Surrender to my life as it is now
Breaking Through & Creating a Foundation
BEING-Stepping into a Bigger ME Qualities: Strength, Adventure & Light
Counting it all JOY Qualities: Trust, Perfect Timing, & Patience
Family & Career Growth
Stepping OUT!!!
The Next Level Qualities: Joy, Love, Peace, Prosperity, Health & Service