Advancing by Acknowledging our Differences

Everyone so unique

Wow, everyone is so different!  Try this viewpoint when you are tempted to judge or when you are rocked by unexpected reactions to your leadership.  This perspective generates curiosity and openness, which are guaranteed to get you a better outcome than defensiveness or intense convincing that your thinking is the BEST.   Even if you are convinced you have the best solution, chances of it being accepted (and implemented) are WAY better if you at least acknowledge the other’s perspective first, right?

I’ve been revisiting the 5 Top Strengthfinder Strengths  with my private executive coaching clients.  Not one person has the same Strengths.  If we celebrate our unique strengths and co-create our contributions from there, we’ve got a huge probability of success.

Wow, Everyone is so different!   Remember this, especially with those close to you.  Our differences are indeed what create the spark of attraction between us.

Everyone the same, BORING…and who wants that?

Sparking Boldness

My new bracelet with designer Kathy Sparkman

I met Kathy Sparkman the day she was done doing things the way she had always done them.  That day she became a private coaching client and stepped boldly and courageously forward.   Kathy now creates jewelry that inspires fresh energy and confident presence.  I’m stepping into a bolder vision  and Kathy designed a new bracelet to remind me of who I need to be to get where I’m going.  It looks nothing like what I’ve worn in the past.  I do believe that is the essence of boldness!  My question for you is   How will you boldly step forward and claim your vision?   For a limited time,  I’m offering Summer private mini retreats .  Is today your day to remove your golden hand cuffs (that chain you to the way things are) and put on a new bold and beautiful bracelet?

Advancing to Freedom


I just returned from gathering the first batch of bright orange fall leaves from the smallest maple tree back by the big cedars.   Fall always feels like a new beginning to me. Maybe it’s the golden light and the fresh sea breeze?  Maybe it’s the falling leaves that remind me to boldly let go of everything that no longer serves?

I spent August offering service at an international retreat center.  The theme I chose for this month of retreat was strengthening my inner courage and clarity.  I can’t say I am even close to unpacking what was transformed within me.  What did I let go of?  What did I grasp on to?  How did I choose? All I know is there is a new person looking through my eyes.  Or perhaps, for the first time I am keenly aware of who is really looking through my eyes.  

All is vivid and clear and yes, I do feel great courage and confidence.  I’m back on Bainbridge Island coaching and silently integrating. I find myself speaking what is true and offering to others with great gratitude, all I have received. 

To be free you must learn what to let go of and what to grasp on to and when.