Advancing into a FRESH New Year!


First Sunrise of 2011

Happy 2011!

“Every new beginning is beautiful, filled with extraordinary opportunities, like a door opening on a whole new life.  In beginnings there is childlike innocence, and this innocence is filled with humility, filled with patience.

A beginning is forever full of magic, enchantment and treasures to be explored.  No matter what the occasion, a new beginning must be approached with a mystical awareness of its potential.”

-From Swami Chidvilasananda, Jan 1, Resonate With Stillness

Please join me in creating “An Opening to 2011” that will honor your unique potential.   May you walk through 2011 leading from the deep wisdom that flows from complete alignment with your beautiful destiny.

Click here to register for: “An Opening to 2011” Reflection & Intention Sessions and  Download the  FREE “An Opening to 2011” Worksheet. Limited availability for a few short weeks so now is the time.

Advancing in Harmony with Time

Now is the time! Lately I’ve been living by this phrase; calling myself forth with it. Whenever I feel a call to inspired action, I think to myself. Now is the time! Timing is so important to success and here’s the thing, time does not wait for us to be free of fear, doubt or to have everything all pieced together in a comfortable planned way.  Time doesn’t care if we feel we have enough resources or money.  It doesn’t wait while we ascertain if we have done enough research.  Time demands faith and trust.

Here is my challenge:  When your heart invites you to step forward, do not falter or hold yourself back–go!  You see if we hold ourselves back, one day we’ll regret it, as time does not wait. We might wait for the time to come again, but time is merciless.  It doesn’t stop.  It moves on.  When the invitation arrives, yes, is the correct answer.

To those of you who are considering joining this year’s Secret Society, I repeat….Now is the time!  The application period closes November 30.  Click here for your invitation.

This week’s  post, inspired by a teaching of Gurumayi Chidvilasanda from her book Resonate with Stillness, October 28.


Flickr photo courtesy of John Morgan under the Creative Commons License

Advancing with Discipline and Freedom

Swan Meditating at Bloedel Reserve

My most successful clients have great discipline.  While I have a strong ability to focus, when it comes to discipline,  I tend to get all harsh and controlling with myself.  My old pattern is to approach the discipline of maintaining a schedule, planning and maintaining the systems that support me with a heavy intensity.

Although I get things accomplished this way, it’s often a recipe for dragging me into the dust.  Can discipline have a feeling of flowing freedom and spontaneous joy?

When I get right down to the root of how this can be possible, it has to start with disciplining my mind.  Having my mind serve me, here in the present, as opposed to compulsively painting one picture after another of my past present and future, my character, the world I live in, my relationships.  You know, the endless list.

Here’s what I think is the linchpin of Advancing with Discipline & Freedom.  Focus first on disciplining the mind through Retreating into a daily meditation practice.  I’m pretty sure the ULTIMATE freedom is stilling the mind so it can rest in the Heart, the source of deep wisdom, spontaneity, love and creativity. (OK… ALL the good stuff.)

Once the mind rests into a Heart centered focus and presence, all the scheduling, planning and systems will flow powerfully with great ease.  That my friend is a path to success that I can sign up for!

Sparking Boldness

My new bracelet with designer Kathy Sparkman

I met Kathy Sparkman the day she was done doing things the way she had always done them.  That day she became a private coaching client and stepped boldly and courageously forward.   Kathy now creates jewelry that inspires fresh energy and confident presence.  I’m stepping into a bolder vision  and Kathy designed a new bracelet to remind me of who I need to be to get where I’m going.  It looks nothing like what I’ve worn in the past.  I do believe that is the essence of boldness!  My question for you is   How will you boldly step forward and claim your vision?   For a limited time,  I’m offering Summer private mini retreats .  Is today your day to remove your golden hand cuffs (that chain you to the way things are) and put on a new bold and beautiful bracelet?

Advancing Successfully

I recently saw Malcolm Galdwell, author of The Tipping Point, Blink and his latest, Outliers-The story of Success.  Here’s what I gleaned from hearing him and reading his fascinating new book.

First a little context: The theme of Outliers is: What makes Successful people successful?  (Hint:  It’s not simply intelligence and ambition.) 

 Here’s what Malcolm said about his new book:

“My wish with Outliers is that it makes us understand how much of a group project success is. When outliers become outliers it is not just because of their own efforts. It’s because of the contributions of lots of different people and lots of different circumstances— and that means that we, as a society, have more control about who succeeds—and how many of us succeed—than we think. That’s an amazingly hopeful and uplifting idea.”

Here are three of the theme’s in Outliers that I found compelling:

1.  Meaningful work must have 3 elements:  autonomy, complexity and a connection between effort and reward.    In the end it’s not the amount of money we make that makes us happy.  Hard work is only a prison sentence if it doesn’t have meaning, which as a coach, I often refer to as fulfillment. 

2.  Extraordinary Achievement is less about talent than it is about opportunity.  For achievement to happen, it is beneficial to diagnose what opportunities are naturally occurring that we can take advantage of.  It’s not enough to have talent; it has to be matched to opportunity.  These opportunities are often random in that they relate to timing….like the year or month we were born.  They also are a product of our legacy..The culture from which we come from and how it shapes how we communicate, think or learn.

3.   Mastery:  10,000 hours of practice is required to achieve the level of mastery associated with being a world-class expert—in anything.  That boils down to practicing 4 hours a day for 10 years.  To master anything it better be something that you love and something you are willing to commit to practicing 10,000 hours.  To me this resonates with the idea of committing to focusing on strengths, niche and passion.  Zeroing in on those things we can spend enough time on to master….or the things we have been practicing long enough to achieve mastery.  Now that I’ve been a coach for 8 years, I resonate with this in that I notice the power of hours and hours of practice.

Ok, thanks for reading my book report.  Let me know your ideas and impressions.

Retreat to Advance Spring 2009
Retreat to Advance Spring 2009

Advancing with Strength & Presence

Jeaneen Schmidt Chicks on Sticks 2009
Jeaneen Schmidt Chicks on Sticks 2009

We complete February 2009 celebrating the physical strength and presence it took for me to compete in my first Nordic Ski race.  We’re also celebrating the strength and presence exhibited by each of you who completed my annual beginning of the year Reflection and Intention process, An Opening to 2009!  You each took a courageous inventory of your current results and asked:  What are my thoughts and actions creating?  What is actually happening?  What gains and breakthroughs am I celebrating? What have I learned?  What do I choose to let go of? What do I want that is different from this?  I honor the 2009 client slogans below which are already building great waves of momentum!    May these slogans inspire all of us to continually refine our responses to these powerful questions:  What am I intending to create in 2009?   What are the strengths and qualities of presence I will bring to each and every moment of this year?


  • Fire in the Belly Qualities: Love, Forgiveness & Understanding.
  • Health, Wealth & Bliss
  • Really, truly, deeply, Moving Forward  Qualities: Creativity, Communication & Gratitude
  • Sails full of Grace  Qualities:  Birth, Integrity & Clarity
  • Being Present & Being me–Surrender to my life as it is now
  • Breaking Through & Creating a Foundation
  • POWER!
  • BEING-Stepping into a Bigger ME Qualities: Strength, Adventure & Light
  • Counting it all JOY  Qualities: Trust, Perfect Timing, & Patience
  • Family & Career Growth
  • Stepping OUT!!!
  • The Next Level  Qualities: Joy, Love, Peace, Prosperity, Health & Service

Retreat to Advance stamp 

Advancing into 2009

My morning commute from the house to the studio today
My morning commute from the house to the studio today
The first 2009 New Year’s slogan was born today.  It was delivered by an exuberant friend from her mobile as she drove over a snowy mountain pass.  She declared, with quite a bit of enthusiasm:  “I’m going to be Fit and Fine in 2009″  What’s your name for 2009?  What theme will inspire your entire year?  If you are intent on designing an amazing New Year…see An Opening to 2009 for my annual beginning of the year private coaching offer. to play in the snow.  Let me know your New Year’s slogan here.  We’ll build a list, bless each one twice and together we’ll unfold a most precious 2009.   We are going to be so-o-o-o-o fine in 2009 🙂

Advancing into a Bold YES!


I just now committed to a bold Yes.  One of those Yes’s that all your friends say in their best London English, Why of Course!  You must do this!  For me it’s been 3 days of feeling the intensity of the fear of making the WRONG decision.  I’ve spent hours contemplating all the possible choices and calculating all the possible impacts.  I’ve reviewed my values, my purpose and the vision of my business. I’ve looked carefully at the risks and possible rewards of this innovative YES.   Vividly, underneath all this valuable analysis, I’ve been experiencing intense fear.  Primal fear of the change that this bold Yes will bring to the status quo of my life and business.    I deeply resist the chaos that this change will usher in before I get to truly inhabit the next more resonant land that I have been envisioning all along.  

Isn’t this how it goes?  The call comes and we know we have to answer YES…and yet there is always “Trouble at the Border”.   I’ve noticed this theme of “hesitation before the leap” in many of my client conversations this week.  Does it come from the business culture that wanted us to be innovative YET taught us be cautious as mistakes can indeed jeopardize our careers?  Does our success get in the way of our growth as there is so much more at risk with each yes?  Do we unconciously know that there is so much more to lose if we are wrong????  Yet all of us, deep down yearn to say yes and silently regret those times when we back away.

Whatever we posess, we fear we might lose it if we step forward.  Whenever we are thinking about me or mine, we are in the realm of the wounded ego.  The ego which is desperately trying to control things, to keep us safe and protected and WAY smaller than what we are capable of being.  In order to step forward into leading our lives and those we serve, we must get comfortable with the terrifying AND exhilarating process of moving through the fear and uncertainty that the ego throws up, toward what is truly calling.

When it comes to saying yes to our personal destiny, I love this line from the new movie, The Moses Code.  “God doesn’t call the qualified, he qualifies the called.”  However you hold the presence of the divine, remember that this presence within us, is always calling us to expand into our greatest potential.  It is calling us to change, create and innovate BOLDLY.  When we say yes, it’s vital to remember that we are not yet the person or organization that will fulfill the call.  We grow into it.  Ahh, this is where the surrender and leap of faith must take place.  This is why coaching support is essential.  Left to our own devices it’s way too easy to stay small and protected.  Then of course, the outcome, although we are protected, is often; poor, lonely and sad.  The outcome of the YES…Exhilaration, change, abundance and growth. 

Therefore, we retreat into the silence.  We retreat into supportive coaching conversations.  We discern the strong voice of the call to which, despite our full body fears…we must in the end answer boldly…YES!