Advancing into 2009

My morning commute from the house to the studio today
My morning commute from the house to the studio today
The first 2009 New Year’s slogan was born today.  It was delivered by an exuberant friend from her mobile as she drove over a snowy mountain pass.  She declared, with quite a bit of enthusiasm:  “I’m going to be Fit and Fine in 2009″  What’s your name for 2009?  What theme will inspire your entire year?  If you are intent on designing an amazing New Year…see An Opening to 2009 for my annual beginning of the year private coaching offer. to play in the snow.  Let me know your New Year’s slogan here.  We’ll build a list, bless each one twice and together we’ll unfold a most precious 2009.   We are going to be so-o-o-o-o fine in 2009 🙂

0 thoughts on “Advancing into 2009”

  1. Hi Jeaneen,
    Love the picture. It so captures the white Christmas we’re having this year. What beauty!

    Regarding a name for the year ahead…
    Santa brought me a pair of hiking boots for Christmas and on the box it said, “Never Stop Exploring”. These 3 words were so resonant for me that my initial instinct was to cut them out and start a new Vision board for 2009.

    So, what I’ve concluded is that this slogan, “Never Stop Exploring” is my title for the new year ahead.


    With love and gratitude,

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