Receiving with Both Hands, Wholeheartedly

In my spiritual tradition, you always receive a blessed gift with both hands.  You never try to snatch a blessing away, you always put forth both hands.   To receive the greatest experience, one offers of oneself wholeheartedly giving from ones entire being.

When unexpected gifts come your way do you honor them by receiving them with both hands wholeheartedly?  This is a powerful practice that requires focus, presence and agility.  Life’s most magical moments often arise from surprising invitations.   What if we made it a standing, house rule to pause and accept these with both hands?

I’ve noticed lately that I have gotten into the annoying habit of considering the impact of every darned thing before I receive it.  I ponder, “How does this gift fit it into my schedule or business plan?”   I evaluate, “Do I have enough money or energy to fully utilize this gift?”  How exhausting and frankly, off-putting.  I’m pretty sure gifts are NOT going to flow in easily to one in this state of relentless analysis!  What would it be like to simply receive with both hands?

This week when you are offered a gift, especially if it is unexpected, (which is the best kind, right?) simply focus on receiving with both hands, offering yourself wholeheartedly.  I wonder what breathtaking turning points will unfold?

At the very least, this practice will yield; you got it, to the greatest blissful experiences.  Sounds perfect for the year of Honor, Ease and Bliss, right?

photo courtesy of flickr @nicole erin 123

Advancing Toward our Unique Legacy

Heartfelt tears with Lynn Twist, the woman I dream of being now.

“She was the woman that every young girl dreams of being!” These words were uttered in hushed awe as my friend described an older woman who had lived in the house my friend had just purchased. (NOT Lynn Twist, she enters my story later. )  My friend’s retelling of this woman’s life story  sounded nice AND I realized it was WAY different from what I had dreamed of becoming as a young girl.  Like each of us, I had a unique set of dreams.

What did I dream of being?   I dreamed of racing sailboats on the wide blue ocean with a team that won races and swaggered into the yacht club brimming with confidence at day’s end.   I dreamed of leading a wildly successful business.  I dreamed of having a husband who was creative, entertaining and a kind warrior too.  I dreamed of engaging in work that made our world BETTER.

After I, more or less, achieved these things, there were deeper dreams to consider.  The next level of dreams includes the wisdom gleaned from the unexpected disappointments that were not at ALL what I had hoped.  You see, it is at the point where we have some success and messy learning under our belts, that we can turn toward our most potent legacy upon this earth.  To that end, here are a few key questions to answer in the middle of the journey of life.

  • Who is the woman that I dream of being when this is all said and done? 
  • What are ways I want to be and what is the impact I want to have as a leader?
  • What do I want to stand for?

Now is the time to create and live into your unique legacy.  A legacy that builds on all that you have done and are NOW. A legacy that will truly inspire the next generation.  I’m here to support you in getting clear on what is next AND turning toward it, in your unique way using your voice.  YES, now is the time!

P.S. Who is Lynn Twist? Click here to find out!

Advancing by Going Against Yourself

Going against the current with the tide

I saw my favorite poet David Whyte  last week.  One of the Irish sayings he shared with us was GO AGAINST YOURSELF.  I love it.  Yes, of course, it’s important to discern our true voice and act in resonance with our heart’s knowing. This is penetrating, wise work… AND sometimes the easier path is to just GO AGAINST YOURSELF!  Here is a list of all the ways I was thinking we might practice this:

  • When you decide to give and are feeling like you want to hoard what you have, especially if you have plenty.  GO AGAINST YOURSELF!  Be generous.
  • When you don’t feel you have time to attend yoga class or want to fit in one more thing before you do go. GO AGAINST YOURSELF!
  • When you feel you need to prove yourself and therefore vulnerability is out of the question, GO AGAINST YOURSELF and remember you are significant and wondrous just as you are.
  • When you feel like you have to do one more task, even though you are simply exhausted.  GO AGAINST YOURSELF.  Let someone else do it.
  • When you really want to blame another.  GO AGAINST YOURSELF!
  • When you believe that you are alone.  GO AGAINST YOURSELF!  Ease yourself back into the conversation.
  • When an opportunity to lead knocks and you are not sure you are ready to say yes because you don’t know how to do it perfectly.  GO AGAINST YOURSELF!
  • When you have an urge to grab the microphone and speak and you haven’t formulated completely what you want to say.  GO AGAINST YOURSELF! Raise your hand, grab that mike and begin to speak.

In what other ways would it be wise to GO AGAINST YOURSELF?

Photo by Teri Akin